Guatemala Adoption 2006

Erin and Andy Pratt's journey to adopt a child from Guatemala.

Friday, October 06, 2006


Despite the Twins getting swept right out of the playoffs, today was a good day on the adoption front. First, we got new pictures of Henry Moises. We've officially decided on Moises for the middle name. Apparently, these pictures were taken at night because our little guy was sleepy and he's in pjs. Actually, he's in pjs in every picture we have of him. Andy and I stare at them, discecting every little detail. In one of the pictures we think he's winking. Andy can't even wink, so obviously Henry's advanced. Most important, Henry looks healthy and well cared for.

Next, we can fill in another date on our adoption calendar. The US embassy issued us Pre-Approval today (PA in adoption lingo). That means they've looked at our paperwork and the DNA results and everything looks ok on their end. We received an e-mail directly from the embassy with this news. We're also hoping to get an update from our agency in the next couple of days. The best scenerio would be that we are also approved by Guatemalan family court. If we are approved by family court and now that we have PA, we will be able to enter PGN. That is the final sign off on the Guatemalan side. PGN is the most unpredictable step and one that we've been nervous about from the beginning. So, I won't think about it on this good day.

Finally, it appears that the threatened halt to adoption has been avoided, for now at least. Its actually very unclear what even happened. Some people say that there never was a big threat. Others say that adoptions were very close to being shut down. Almost everyone we've seen comment on the internet believes that in-process adoptions are ok.

More pictures and news to come!


  • At 6:11 PM, Blogger Zoey L. said…

    He's very cute! We check everyday so keep the updates coming. We're so very happy for your family. Cheers!

    Tyler, Judy and Zoey


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