Guatemala Adoption 2006

Erin and Andy Pratt's journey to adopt a child from Guatemala.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Growing Henry

Greetings to you all. We haven't been posting a lot lately as we've been busy "assisting" with our kitchen remodeling, but we were lucky enough to get some new pictures of our bambino. The interesting thing is that he has changed quite a bit from his earlier pictures. In these pictures, he is more awake and he is moving his hands and arms in some of them. He also has a little receding hairline (for the time being)! He also has some eyebrows coming in. What a cute little guy. It is nice to see him grow like this but it is a little heartbreaking as well, since we are missing it all.

We are also supposed to receive an update on how our case is progressing, and that should be coming any day now, so we will keep you updated. We are hoping that a DNA test has been taken at least!

The Pratts


  • At 4:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    He is so cute....
    Can't wait.
    You two better get ready... It's going to be a big change in your house.
    Grandpa and grandma want the first baby sitting duties.
    Grandpa and grandma


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