Guatemala Adoption 2006

Erin and Andy Pratt's journey to adopt a child from Guatemala.

Sunday, July 23, 2006

We are the Pratts

Being that this blog will mostly be seen only by our friends and family, we won't bore you with long introductions. You probably already know that we are Erin & Andy Pratt, and we live in Duluth, Minnesota. We were married in June 2003 and met two years before that. We want to have children and we have felt called to adopt a child for some time now. We were drawn to adopt a child from Guatemala for some practical reasons--like the fact that most adopted children are quite young--and also for some emotional and spiritual reasons (but probably not financial reasons!).

We began the process with an adoption agency in the Twin Cities around October 2005. We had to attend an introductory meeting, complete an application, attend adoptive parents classes, fill out information for multiple background checks, complete a long homework assignment for our agency, attend two interviews with our social worker, get fingerprinted twice, fill out mountains of documents to be sent to the Guatemalan government, get every document notarized/certified/authenticated, and wait! Right now we are officially "in line" to receive a referral of a child from Guatemala.

Obviously, this is a very exciting time for us, and we decided to share it with you through this blog. We will be posting various comments throughout the coming months, along with a lot of pictures of the newest addition to our family! Please feel free to comment on the information here; we can always use your support. I think writing about what is happening is somewhat therapeutic, so I'll be excited to add to this blog once we get more information.

Now I have to learn some Spanish...


  • At 9:07 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    This blog is a great idea; this way Anthony and I won't have to pester you with questions when we talk to you. Hope the process is going smoothly and Duluth in the summer is good. Hope you can make it to our reception, too!

  • At 1:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hello Andy, this is a very good way to keep everyone informed about the progress, and it's a long way. I am sure it will all be worth it when you can hold the child and take it home. Good luck furtheron and we'll stay in touch.
    Keep up the good work, fella!

  • At 4:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Great blog. The only thing is that you should update every ten minutes. I check for updates every fifteen minutes. Please accommodate me.


  • At 6:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Please also use this blog to publicly disclose the undoubted on-going debate surrounding your expectant-parent-status...


    1) Will you raise your child to like hand-dipped ice cream or soft serve ice cream better?

    2) Will grandparents be know by the traditional "grandma" and "grandpa"; or will you invent new names in the spirit of "nana", "papi", "gramms" or "boggie"?

    3) Will you dress your child in Vikings garb all day on Sunday, or only after church?

    4) Will you be the type of parents who allow their child to wear sweatpants to school; or will you take a "not over my dead body" stance?

    5) What word(s) will you adopt to describe basic, human bodily functions? Poopy? Pee? Potty? Stinkies?

    I'm sure I speak for all of us when I say that I cannot wait for the intelligencia that is the Pratt family to begin their forum on the nomanclature of poop and pee!

    Fun times!


  • At 8:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    This is a very exciting time for you two. Thanks for letting us be a part of it!

  • At 7:23 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Congratulations on this exciting news! We hope everything goes well with the adoption process and I am looking forward to hearing all of the news.
    Shannon,Tom,Jacob and Morgan

  • At 8:02 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Fantastic news. I celebrate this wonderful union of loving parents and a beautiful baby boy. Remember we support you every step of the way as you proceed on this awesome journey. May God be with all three of you as you move towards your lives together.

  • At 10:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Congratulations Proud Parents! He is beautiful.... and one blessed little boy to have you as parents. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.
    ~ Judy and Jim Bickel

    P.S. We'll be anxious to read your answers to Matt's ever so thoughtful questions :-)

  • At 7:35 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    WoW, What fabulous news to hear about your precious baby boy! It
    is wonderful to see him and I can imagine all the emotions you've gone through in the last weeks...and 6 months!
    We pray that you feel God's peace and strength as you finish the process until you three can be united. The Anticipation!!Blessings! Karen & Gary Schmidt

  • At 6:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi Henry:
    How proud we are to have you in the family. You will have wonderful parents. We can't wait to hold you in arms. Hope its before Christmas. Do you know it snows up here????
    Say you may be very cute and all that but can you fish. Grandpa is looking forward to some time on the water with you.
    Grandma and Grandpa Fresvik


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